Cleansing Practices

These are traditional practices for mobilizing toxins present in the body and thorough cleansing procedures to increase energy, digestion, and strengthen immunity.

Ayurvedic or Yogic cleansing practices at Sparrow Wellness are offered as a part of comprehensive wellness programmed and can only be undertaken with prior consultation and advice of a Ayurvedic physician or Yoga Consultant.

Ayurvedic Cleansing Practices

Sneha Vasti (30 minutes)

Sneha Vasti involves the use of oil enemas to access the large intestine, nourishing and rebuilding body tissues. It serves as a preparatory procedure for Kashaya Vasti.

Kashaya Vasti (60 minutes)

Kashaya Vasti, also known as decoction enema, follows a course of Sneha Vasti. This treatment uses a herbal decoction enema containing medicated oil, honey, rock salt, and herbal paste. It aims to flush out harmful toxins and impure doshas from the intestinal tract, purifying the system.

Nasyam (30 minutes)

Nasyam involves the instillation of medicated oil into the nostrils while massaging the areas around the nose, neck, and shoulders. Herbal fume inhalation follows this treatment. Nasyam is highly effective for cleansing sinuses and treating migraines, chronic colds, headaches, and chest congestion.

Virechanam (30 minutes)

Virechanam is a purgative Panchakarma therapy induced by herbal medicated laxatives. It targets the elimination of excessive Pitta Dosha from the body and focuses on removing Ama (toxins) accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract.

Yogic Cleansing Practices

Jal Neti (30 minutes)

Jal Neti is a nasal cleansing technique where the nasal passages are irrigated with salted lukewarm water. This practice helps clear nasal congestion, improves breathing, and can alleviate symptoms of respiratory issues.

Kunjal Kriya (30 minutes)

Kunjal Kriya involves cleansing the digestive system by drinking lukewarm, salty water until the stomach is full and then intentionally vomiting it under guidance. This practice aids in detoxifying the digestive tract, relieving indigestion, and can be beneficial for respiratory ailments.

Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (60 minutes)

Laghu Shankha Prakshalana is a complete intestinal wash achieved by consuming salt water which passes through the alimentary canal aided by specific yoga asanas. This practice is effective for detoxifying the digestive system, promoting bowel health, and improving overall digestive function.

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