Our experienced Yoga teachers are trained to adapt the modalities to your personal objectives and goals. They will then design a bespoke yoga and meditation program to assist you in the journey of life for a balanced and a harmonized self.

Imagine stepping into a serene space, where the air is infused with a sense of tranquility and the ambiance is one of gentle invitation. As you enter the yoga studio, you’re welcomed by soft lighting and soothing music, creating an atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Read More
Our experienced Yoga teachers are trained to adapt the modalities to your personal objectives and goals. They will then design a bespoke yoga and meditation program to assist you in the journey of life for a balanced and a harmonized self.
In this individualised Hatha Yoga session you will receive attention with dialogue and adjustments specifically tailored for your needs. Each posture has manual adjustments which will help you to understand the relationships between the muscle groups and body parts being engaged. To develop a deeper understanding of how your body engages in each posture, the instructor guides your awareness to specific areas to enhance your body’s
natural intuition.
A stressful life-style has a profound effect on our breathing. In Pranayama the attention is on the breath. Pranayama literally means expansion of Prana (Vitality). Various techniques of Pranayama rectify the faulty patterns of breathing. It removes the blockages from the subtle
energy channels and promotes relaxation.
Energy Locks: This is an advanced form of Pranayama which is done with the energy locks to vitalize the system of body and mind. Pranayama with Bandha becomes a very intense practice. It activates and regulates the ‘life force’ or prana and helps attain a higher state of vibratory energy.
Yoga Nidra means ‘Psychic sleep’; a state of conscious sleep where one is on the borderline between wakefulness and sleep. It is a guided process of relaxation to quieten the agitations of the conscious mind and awaken the awareness and immense healing potential of the subconscious. In Yoga Nidra, the practitioner is on the threshold of the subconscious plane from where one can release the hidden psychic tensions of consciousness.
Chakra Shuddhi means ‘purification of the energy/psychic centers’. It is one of the most important techniques of Kundalini Yoga. Chakras are the subtle energy centers present in the psychic body. Chakra Shuddhi cleanses the entire chakra system through guided awareness and psychic mantras. It brings about a deep transformation or wholeness in personality.
Antar Mouna or ‘Inner Silence’ is a very systematic technique which deepens the insight into the processes of the mind and develops skills to manage it. This meditation technique provides a deep insight into mental tensions and emotional turbulence and helps to take a step towards inner understanding and attaining emotional and mental harmony within.
Ajapa Japa is the spontaneous awareness of the mantra which is chanted psychically during the process of meditation. ‘Japa’ means repetition, ‘Ajapa’ means spontaneous repetition. The basis of Ajapa Japa is the repetition of the mantra with the movement of breath and awareness in psychic passages. This is an effective process to arrest the unnecessary flow of
Chidakasha comes from two roots; ‘Chit’ and ‘Akasha’. Chit means consciousness and akasha means ‘space/field’. Chidakasha refers to space where all gross and subtle activities of the consciousness take place. Chidakasha Meditation uses the faculty of visualization to gradually deepen awareness from the gross sensorial plane to subtle psychic and pranic
Means ‘Steady gazing’. It acts as a stepping-stone between physically oriented cleansing and meditation practices. It improves memory and helps to develop concentration and will power.
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